Martial Arts Fitness

Martial Arts Fitness

You don’t need a fad diet or lose-weight-quick scheme…our Martial Arts Fitness Programs have a great reputation in Weatherford for helping people get fit! Whether your goal is to lose a few inches, gain some muscle definition, or learn skills for self-defense, you’ll accomplish all of the above through martial arts training!

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martial arts teens

Martial Arts for Teens

Martial Arts for Weatherford Teens

Did you know according to the American Council on Exercise that by the time they reach high school, 63% of kids are no longer physically active! I think you can agree this is not a good trend.

Hi this is Bob Nuttall,

As the owner of The Karate University here …

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martial arts kids

Benefits of Martial Arts for Children

Martial Arts Training at The Karate University is truly an investment in your child’s future!

Hi, this is Master Bob Nuttall,

As one famous singer said and I now echo, “I believe the children are our future.”

You know your child spends more time being sedentary on iPods, iPhones, and iPads, which leads to many …

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